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Influence of patio on indoor environment in a Chinese traditional folk house in summer

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中南大学土木建筑学院

出  处: 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 2010年第2期165-168,共4页

摘  要: 针对传统民居中天井对夏季室内环境的影响,在2007年夏季对湖南张谷英村的传统民居建筑群进行了连续监测.监测项目包括室内外气温、室内外照度以及室内外风速,检测时间从8月5日至10日.结果显示:天井气温低于室外气温高于室内气温,表明天井作为"气候缓冲空间"能降低外界对室内热环境的影响;天井照度低于室外高于室内,表明天井能改善室内光环境.但是室内照度低于国家标准,说明改善效果极其有限,也表明遮阳设计依然是当地气候条件下的首要考虑因素;天井风速稳定且与堂屋风速接近,说明天井能促进夏季由水平风压引起的自然通风,但其烟囱效应并不明显. A case study is performed on the influence of the patio on the indoor environment of a traditional folk house group,named Zhangguying village in Hunan province,in the summer of 2007.Measurements include indoor and outdoor air temperature,indoor and outdoor illuminance,indoor and outdoor air speed,and carried out from August 5th to 10th.The results show that the patio,acting as a "buffer zone",can reduce the ambient impacts on the indoor thermal environment of rooms because the temperature of the patio is lower than that of the outdoor temperature but higher than that of the rooms.The patio can improve the indoor lighting environment because the illuminance of the patio is lower than that of outdoor and higher than that of the rooms.But the effect is too limited,because the illuminance of the rooms is lower than the national standards.This study shows that the shading design is the primary consideration in this kind of climate.The wind speed of the patio is stable and similar to that of the hall and the stack effect of the patio is not obvious.It shows that the patio is useful for natural ventilation,caused by wind pressure,in summer.

关 键 词: 天井 传统民居 室内环境

领  域: [建筑科学]


作者 梁永泽
作者 柏宇亮
作者 齐学栋
作者 李可
作者 杨智翼


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学外国语言文化学院
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学外国语学院


作者 张勇
作者 张萌
作者 冯琼
作者 谢冠一
作者 刘高勇