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Preparation and Property Studies of Fe Coating Al_2O_3 Composite Ceramics

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中钢集团洛阳耐火材料研究院有限公司

出  处: 《硅酸盐通报》 2010年第4期810-814,共5页

摘  要: 以纳米α-Al2O3和Fe(NO3)3.9H2O为原料,采用非均相沉淀法制备了Fe包裹Al2O3的纳米复合粉体。经XRD、SEM分析发现:复合粉体前驱体经500℃焙烧,在H2中700℃还原可以得到纳米Fe包裹Al2O3的纳米复合粉体。粉体分散良好,Al2O3表面的纳米Fe粒子呈非连续状态,颗粒为球形,尺寸为30 nm左右,分布均匀。将复合粉体在热压下(30 MPa)烧结获得Al2O3/Fe复合陶瓷,当加入5mol%Fe时,陶瓷的热压烧结温度比单相Al2O3陶瓷降低将近100℃。含量为10mol%Fe的陶瓷样品在1500℃热压烧结后,断裂韧性可达到5.62 MPa,与相同条件下烧结的单相Al2O3陶瓷(KIc=3.57 MPa)相比提高了近57%。 Nano-composite powders of Al2O3 coated by nano-Fe particles were prepared with nanometer - Al2O3 and Fe(NO3)3 · 9H2O by heterogeneous precipitation method. The composite powders were analyzed by XRD, SEM. In order to obtain Fe coating Al2O3 nano-composite powders the condition of the preparation is sintered at 500 ℃ for 30 rain and reduced at 700℃ for 1 h in H2. Fe particles coating A1203 are in the shape of sphericity with diameter about 30 nm and the dispersion of the powders is uniform. Al2O3/Fe composite ceramics were obtained by hot-pressing (30 MPa). The hot-pressing temperature is reduced 100 ℃ than single-phase Al2O3 ceramics. The ceramic material with lOmol% Fe content was sintered in 1500℃ by hot-pressing. Its fracture toughness is 5.62 MPa, which increases by 57% in comparison with that of single-phase Al2O3 ceramics (Klc = 3.57 MPa).

关 键 词: 包裹法 复合粉体 复合陶瓷 显微结构

领  域: [化学工程]


作者 吴绍祥


机构 华南理工大学化学与化工学院应用化学系


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