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Analysis on Co-treatment Efficiency of Fecal Sewage and Leachate with Municipal Sewage

作  者: ; ; ; (余建恒); (章庆);

机构地区: 华南理工大学土木与交通学院

出  处: 《中国给水排水》 2010年第15期19-22,共4页

摘  要: 粪便污水和垃圾渗滤液因具有污染物浓度高、营养比例失衡等特点,使其处理难度较大。采用与城市污水合并处理的成本较低,但会给污水处理厂的正常运行带来不利影响。某污水厂分别将粪便污水和垃圾渗滤液与城市污水进行合并处理,运行结果表明:通过采取控制高浓度污水的混合量、调整运行参数等措施,能使系统取得较好的除污效果,对COD、NH3-N、TN、TP的平均去除率分别为92.3%、96.4%、61.64%、89.45%和86.4%、97.2%、52.12%、73.94%;与混入粪便污水相比,混入垃圾渗滤液时对TN和TP的去除率相对较低,原因是渗滤液的氨氮浓度高而碳源含量低。 Fecal sewage and landfill leachate, which have the characteristics of high organic concentration and nutrient disproportion, are difficult to be treated. Co-treatment with municipal sewage makes the cost lower, but it will bring about an unfavorable effect on wwrrp. The co-treatment of fecal sewage and landfill leachate with municipal sewage was performed respectively in a WWTP. The results show that by taking control of mixing ratio of high concentration sewage, adjusting the operating parame- ters and other optimization measures, the system can efficiently remove pollutants from both sewages. The average removal rate COD, NH3 - N, TN and TP are 92.3% , 96.4% , 61.64% and 89.45% for mixture with fecal sewage and 86.4% , 97.2% , 52.12% and 73.94% for mixture with landfill leachate respectively. The removal rates of TN and TP from the mixture with landfill leachate are lower than those from the mixture with fecal sewage. The reasons for that are that landfill leachate has high concentration of NH3 - N and low carbon source.

关 键 词: 城市污水厂 粪便污水 垃圾渗滤液 合并处理 运行参数

领  域: [环境科学与工程]


作者 袁云丽


机构 广东工业大学


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