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Research Progress on Phosphorus-dissolving Fungi

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 贵州大学生命科学学院

出  处: 《贵州农业科学》 2010年第7期125-128,124,共5页

摘  要: 磷是植物生长的主要元素之一,大多数土壤都储存着大量的磷,但土壤中的磷容易被固定和沉淀,导致土壤缺磷而限制植物的生长。施用化学磷肥是一种较好的解决缺磷的方法,但由于其价格不断上涨而受到限制。解磷微生物能够将植物难以吸收利用的磷转化为可吸收利用的形态,因此解磷微生物尤其是解磷真菌的研究越来越受到重视。对解磷真菌的解磷能力、解磷机理,解磷真菌对植物体、土壤的影响等研究进行了综述,并对解磷真菌的研究提出了一些建议。 Phosphorus is one of major elements for plant growth.Most soils contain large reserves of total phosphorus(P),but the phosphorus in soils is easily fixed and deposited,which results in P deficiency in soils.Applying chemical P fertilizer is a better method to solve P deficiency in soils but its application is limited because of its increasing price.The phosphorus-dissolving microorganism,especially phosphorus-dissolving fungus,has been paid more attention to by scientists because phosphorus-dissolving microorganism can translate hard dissolved phosphorus into the available phosphorus form.The paper reviews phosphorus dissolving capacity and mechanism of phosphorus-dissolving fungi and effects of phosphorus-dissolving fungi on plants and soils,and proposes some suggestions for research of phosphorus-dissolving fungi.

关 键 词: 解磷真菌 解磷能力 解磷机理

领  域: [生物学]




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