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Product Exergy Cost Analysis for CCHP of Based on Micro-gas Turbine

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 中山大学工学院

出  处: 《中山大学学报(自然科学版)》 2010年第4期63-66,共4页

摘  要: 微型冷热电联供系统的产品成本是系统运行经济性的主要影响因素,不同的流成本的定价方式对产品的成本确定有较大的影响。在建立了微型燃气轮机关联矩阵的基础上,利用传统的成本定价原则和能级分析定价原则分别计算了系统在充分补燃和完全不补燃情况下的的产品成本,定量地分析了两种不同定价方式对系统产品成本的影响。 The production exergy cost is one of main factors of influcing the running economics for CCHP system based on micro-gas turbine.Different ways of making the price can cause to different product exengy cost results.Based on the conjunction matrix for CCHP exergy flow,the product exergy cost for different running conditioning are calculated in detail by using traditional and energy grades analyzing ways.The calculated results is showed that the way of ascertain the exergy cost in accordance with the energy grades is better than the traditional ways.

关 键 词: 冷热电联供系统 产品 火用 成本 价格

领  域: [动力工程及工程热物理]




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