机构地区: 东北师范大学城市与环境科学学院
出 处: 《经济地理》 2009年第11期1822-1826,共5页
摘 要: 黑龙江省经济社会发展与城镇体系呈现出较强的适应与反馈的互动关联态势,随着黑龙江省经济全球化、新型工业化、老工业基地振兴进程的推进,必然要求其城镇体系空间载体功能的强化以及发展的外向化,并认为中心城镇体系发育与职能强化、城镇发展轴带集聚能力增强、城市圈(带)功能提升与产业升级、东部城镇群产业转型与再城市化、边境城市职能优化与外向经济扩张、大小兴安岭中心城镇培育与产业生态化是黑龙江省城镇体系响应经济社会发展的主要路径。 Urban system is regarded as the main frame of modern regional economic and social development,and there exists strong adaptation and feedback posture between urban system and regional development.After a discussion of the present situation of the spatial association between urban system and regional development in Heilongjiang Province,put forward the routes of urban system response to economic and social development are: development and functional strengthen of central place system,strengthen gathering function of urban belts,functional promotion and industrial upgrading of metropolitan area and urban agglomeration,industrial transformation and re-urbanization in the eastern area,functions optimization and export-oriented economic expansion of border city,nurturing center towns and ecological industry in greater and lesser Xing’an mountains.
领 域: [经济管理]