机构地区: 陕西科技大学化学与化工学院教育部轻化工助剂化学与技术重点实验室
出 处: 《钻井液与完井液》 2010年第4期78-80,共3页
摘 要: 在一种酸性条件下可交联的改性瓜胶压裂液中加入生热药剂NH4Cl和NaNO2,得到了一种自生热增能压裂液。实验研究了NH4Cl和NaNO2的放热反应影响因素,并对优选出的压裂液配方进行了性能评价。结果表明,该压裂液自动升温增压,就地泡沫化自动降低密度,具有优良的破胶性能、携砂性能、降滤失性能、助排性能,其兼具泡沫压裂液的技术优点和常规水基压裂液的经济性,满足了低压低渗透油气藏压裂液的要求。 An energy increased fracturing fluid system by authigenic heat was obtained by adding NH4Cl and NaNO2 to modified guanidine gum fracturing fluid which is crosslinked under acidic condition. The influencing factor on exothermic reaction of NH4Cl and NaNO2 was researched and the optimal selected formulation was evaluated, and the results showed that the fracturing fluid system has the special characteristics of automatic heat-releasing, pressure-rising and automatic density-reduction with gel foaming. This fracturing fluids has good performance, such as good gel-breaking, sand-carrying, filtration control and cleanup. The fracturing fluid has both a technical advantage of foamed fracturing fluids and economic advantage of traditional aqueous fracturing fluid.
领 域: [石油与天然气工程]