机构地区: 长江大学机械工程学院
出 处: 《中国塑料》 2010年第7期64-68,共5页
摘 要: 利用华南理工大学自主研发的注水系统和水辅注塑弯管模具,研究了熔体温度、模具温度、注水延迟时间、熔体注射量、注水压力、注水温度、熔体注射速率和熔体注射压力等8个水辅成型主要工艺参数对聚丙烯制品壁厚偏差率的影响,并分析了影响机理。结果表明,部分工艺参数对于制品弯曲段的壁厚偏差率有影响;增加注水延迟时间,降低注水压力和模具温度,短射填充区的制品壁厚的偏差率有所减小;提高熔体温度,壁厚偏差率的波动幅度增大。 The effects of eight processing parameters on the resicfual wall thickness of water-assisted injection molded parts were investigated. The processing parameters were melt temperature, mold temperature, short-shot size, water injection delay time, water pressure, water temperature, melt filling speed, and pressure. The experiments were carried out on a tab developed water injection system and a mold with curved circular pipe cavity. The material used for the experiments was polypropylene. It was found that some processing parameters had effects on the wall thickness invariance of the curved sections. When the water injection time increased and the water pressure and melt temperature decreased, the wall thickness invariance of the short-shot filling section reduced. The wall thickness invariance became larger with increasing melt temperature.
领 域: [化学工程]