机构地区: 深圳市计量质量检测研究院
出 处: 《广东化工》 2010年第7期49-50,共2页
摘 要: 通过对深圳市场豆腐、酱油、豆腐乳等豆类加工品DON污染状况的调查发现,DON污染呈现低污染程度、高污染率的特点。44份豆腐乳、豆腐、大豆中全部检出,平均含量为201μg/kg;40份酱油样品,检出率为87.5%,平均68.19μg/kg。根据以上豆类制品DON含量和对不同人群膳食结构的调查结果计算DON的摄入量,DON的摄入量远低于JECFA提出PMADI的阈值,表明DON在这三类食品食用没有明显的风险。但对于DON和其他毒素的协同作用所引起的危害还需进一步的研究。 Through the research of DON in tofu, soy sauce, fermented bean curd from Shenzhen market, the result showed the DON contamination was low level but high rate. In 44 fermented bean curd, tofu and bean samples were all detected with DON, the average content was 201μg/kg; Out of 40 soy sauce, 87.5 % of samples were contaminated with DON, the average content was 68.19 gg/kg. DON intake was calculated according the inverstigation of dietary, patterns in different people and DON content in the bean products, DON intake was much lower than PMADI which provided by JECFA, it meant the DON intake from the three kind of bean products would be unconspicuous risk. Although the risk which caused by synergistic effect of DON and other microtoxins needed further study.