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A Study on Overall Planning of Niutianyang Modern Agroecological Demonstration Region,Shantou, Guangdong

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 华南农业大学农学院热带亚热带生态研究所

出  处: 《热带地理》 2010年第4期413-418,共6页

摘  要: 通过资料收集、实地考察和会议座谈等方法,分析研究了汕头市生态经济带的重要组成部分一牛田洋地区的资源环境及其社会经济发展状况。结果认为,该区农业主要由水产业、种植业和畜牧业构成,具备了发展现代农业的基础和条件。然而,偏低的产业层次、多头的管理局面、滞后的基础设施以及内外夹击的环境污染等问题制约了该区现代农业的发展。针对牛田洋地区的当前环境与经济现状以及未来发展需求,运用生态学及生态经济学原理,对该地区的现代生态农业发展进行了规划与设计,提出“一核、一轴、四带、一环”、“三横三纵”道路走廊的空间结构布局,并划分出8大功能区。同时提出了今后需要开展的重点建设工程及规划建设思路。 The natural and social-economic condition of Niutianyang, an important part of the eco-economic zone in Shantou city, Guangdong, is studied with methods of data collection, field investigation and meeting discussion. The results show that agriculture in Niutianyang mainly consists of fishery, planting and stockbreeding. It has basic conditions for modem agriculture development. However, low industrialization level, overlapped administrative management, lagged infrastructure construction, and inside and outside environmental pollution have been the main limitation factors to modem eco-agricultural development in this area. Overall planning of modem eco-agriculture has been conducted for Niutianyang based on theories of ecology and eco-economy. A spatial structure of "one core, one axis, four belts, one ring" and "three east-west, three north-south road corridors" is put forward and eight function zones are delimitated. "One core" consists of the integrated service zone and the wetland resort zone. "One axis" is the main transport axis in the studied area. "Four belts" include the living and industrial development belt, the eco-agriculture belt of standardized planting and breeding, the high quality and healthy aquaculture belt, and the ecological protection belt. "A ring" refers to the green ecological corridor around the studied area. The eight function zones are the integrated service zone, the new rural communities' zone, the standardized farmland demonstration zone, the standardized animal husbandry demonstration zone, the fresh water aquaculture demonstration zone, the agricultural products-processing zone, the freshwater-seawater aquaculture zone outside the dam of the wetlands, and the mangrove conservation and ecotourism zone. In this planning, some key construction projects, such as those of the wetland ecological restoration, man-made wetland for sewage treatment, pollution controlling and management of the Tuoji river, lightening and landscaping along the wetland dam, construct

关 键 词: 现代农业 生态示范区 生态规划 牛田洋

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 邓国军
作者 丛艳国
作者 杨慧荣
作者 陈金良
作者 万磊


机构 华南农业大学
机构 仲恺农业工程学院
机构 华南农业大学经济管理学院
机构 中共惠州市委党校
机构 广东工业大学华立学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟