机构地区: 仲恺农业工程学院园艺园林学院
出 处: 《仲恺农业工程学院学报》 2010年第1期18-21,共4页
摘 要: 采用LI-6400XT便携式光合测定系统测定了5种绿化灌木大红花(Hibiscus rosa-sinensisL.)、海桐(Pittosporum tobira(Thumb.)Ait.)、灰莉(Fagraea cellnica Thumb.)、山茶(Camellia japonica L.)、鹅掌柴(Schef-flera octophylla L.)的光合特性.结果表明,5种绿化灌木净光合速率的日变化与气孔导度、蒸腾速率的日变化相一致,但与胞间CO2浓度存在负相关关系.大红花的光饱和点最高,是较喜光的植物,山茶的光补偿点最低,具有较强的耐阴性. The photosynthetic characteristics of five ornamental shrubs were studied in this paper.The results showed that their net photosynthetic rate(Pn),stomatal conductance(Gs),transpiration rate(Tr),intercellular CO2 concentration(Ci) were detected by LI-6400XT Photosynthetic Analysis System,and then light compensation points(LCP) and light saturation points(LSP) were calculated.Pn correlated positively with Gs and Tr,while correlated negatively with Ci.Hibiscus rosa-sinensis was light-needed plant for highest LSP,while Camellia japonica was shade-tolerant plant with lowest LCP.
领 域: [生物学]