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Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation for the tourism climate in Zhaoqing city

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 广州大学地理科学学院

出  处: 《广东农业科学》 2010年第6期242-246,共5页

摘  要: 根据肇庆市6个县气象站点37年的气象资料,设立一系列最舒适气候标准分别建立隶属函数方程进行模糊集合计算,计算结果与南昌人体舒适度指数计算的最舒适天气指数分布相比较,得出肇庆市气候舒适度模糊综合评价最适合的评价标准是气温21℃、相对湿度70%和风速2m/s,以此为依据对肇庆市气候舒适度进行逐旬评价,同时分析肇庆市各县夏季舒适度的主要特征。结果表明:(1)肇庆市总体气候舒适状况良好,最舒适的时段是3月中旬至5月初、10月初至11月底;不舒适的时段主要集中在11月底至2月底、5月底至9月中旬。(2)肇庆市夏季舒适度在时间上呈好转趋势,7月较好,6月最差;各县气候舒适度在空间上具有显著的相似性,差别不大,但以四会较好,怀集最差。 With the hypothesis of the most optimized climate comfort-index (air temperature 20℃~25℃, relative humidity 70% and wind velocity 2 m/s), the human body comfort-index of climate was calculated by the data from six meteorological stations for the past 37 years from 1971 to 2007 in Zhaoqing city for adapting the fuzzy mathematics. Compare the human body comfort-index of climate of Zhaoqing with the most optimized climate comfort-index of Nanchang, we got a evaluation standard of climate comfort-index in Zhaoqing——air temperature 21℃, relative humidity 70% and wind velocity 2 m/s. This evaluation standard was used to evaluate the climate environment that influences upon human’s comfortableness quantitatively and to study the spatial-temporal distribution of human body comfortable degree. The result showed that: (1) The most cosy periods of time in Zhaoqing were from the middle ten-day period of March to the first ten days of May, October and November; the least cosy periods of time were from December to February, and from June to the middle ten-day period of September. (2) The climate comfort-index of summer in Zhaoqing had an upward trend which was best in July and is worst in June; the climate comfort-indexes of each county were similarity significantly, the most cosy place is Sihui and the worst place was Huaiji.

关 键 词: 气候评价 舒适度 模糊综合评价 肇庆市

领  域: [天文地球]




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