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Effects of Different Plant Revetments on the Soil Physical Feature

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 北京林业大学水土保持学院教育部水土保持与荒漠化防治重点实验室

出  处: 《水土保持研究》 2010年第3期101-104,109,共5页

摘  要: 植物影响边坡的稳定,植物通过根系的加筋作用提高土体的抗剪强度,增加边坡稳定、减少水土流失,植物通过茎叶对地表的覆盖,起到蓄水保墒作用。以天然草本、人工草本、苜蓿、金丝柳、榆树作为研究对象,其中天然草本的根系是多种草本植物根系混合。从根系-土体复合土体抗剪强度、土壤活性有机质、地表温度三个方面比较不同植物对岸坡土壤性质的影响,同时与无植物覆盖的土壤对比,比较其三方面性质的差异。采用室内直剪仪直剪的方法测定土体复合体剪切力,在植物根系处位置取土测定土壤活性有机质含量,利用温度计测定岸坡地表温度。结果表明,草本植物可以增加土体的内摩擦角,进而增加土体抗剪强度,灌木在生长初期与草本植物增加土体抗剪强度的机理相同,多年生灌木根系增加土体粘滞力。榆树根系的抗剪强度强于金丝柳根系的抗剪强度。天然草本的抗剪效果大于人工草本的抗剪强度。草本植物对于增加土壤活性有机质的作用弱于灌木。金丝柳、榆树改良土壤效果相对较好。草本、灌木具有良好的降低地表温度、保持水分的作用。此外,通过研究以期为植物护坡中植物品种的选择及植物搭配方式的设计提供建议与参考。 Plants have an important role in improving slope stability and decreasing soil loss. Plant roots make the shear strength of soil stronger and organic matter more and keep the water of slope. The natural herb,artificial herb,alfalfa,salix aureo-pendula,elm were selected as research objects. The roots of the natural herb are composed of kinds of herb roots. The soil properties are compared and analyzed in three respects of shear strength,organic matter and surface temperature. The value of shear stress of the different plant revetment using direct shear apparatus are measrued. The results show the internal friction angle of herb roots soil is increased,and shrub in the early growth stage is the same as it. Their mechanisms of improving shear strength are the same. The viscous force of perennial shrub slope is increased. The shear strength of elm roots is more than that of salix aureo-pndula roots. The shear strength of the natural herb revetment is larger than that of the artificial herb. The order of soil organic from high to low is salix aureo-pendula,elm,natural herb,alfalfa and artificial herb. The six kinds of plants all reduce the temperature of the surface of slope. The results will give some suggestions on design of vegetative revetments and plant disposition and choice of plant variety.

关 键 词: 植物护坡 根系 抗剪强度 土壤活性有机质 温度

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学] [环境科学与工程]




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