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Axle Spring Load Test and Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of High Speed EMU

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 北京交通大学机械与电子控制工程学院轨道车辆结构可靠性与运用检测技术教育部工程研究中心

出  处: 《机械工程学报》 2010年第10期109-115,共7页

摘  要: 国内目前动车组最高运行速度已达到350km/h。在研究高速动车组轴箱弹簧载荷测试技术基础上,对某型高速动车组动力和非动力转向架轴箱弹簧力进行连续10天的线路测试,总测试里程约为11000km。获得轴箱弹簧力动态特性,给出典型工况下弹簧的载荷时间历程,抽样分析高速直线、曲线、道岔、进出车站、进出车库以及制动等典型运用工况下的弹簧载荷特性,并在统计基础上给出弹簧一定运用里程下的弹簧载荷谱以确定载荷出现幅值、次数与测试里程之间关系。研究结果表明,高速动车组载荷特性与运用线路等级密切相关,且弹簧载荷最大值一般出现在等级更差的进出车库、车站以及联络线区段,测试得到的最大轴箱弹簧动态载荷系数为0.28;频域分析结果表明,高速线路区段弹簧力有1.1Hz左右的稳定振动频率,即该测试线路区段存在波长为100m左右的轨道高低不平顺激扰;另外,高速时由于车轮转动引起的弹簧低幅值动态力的主频率为一般为11Hz。研究结果可用于指导转向架设计以及相关理论研究等。 Four types of high speed electrical multi units(EMUs) have been operated since April of 2007 in China and the top velocity of two of them reached to 350 km/h in 2008.By use of a reliable test technology,the axle spring forces of the high speed EMU are tested on the Beijing-Tianjin railway line to obtain the dynamic characteristics of the primary vertical suspension loads.The test data for 10 days covers 11000 km railway line approximately.The axle spring loads on some typical operation conditions such as high speed running,turnout passing,negotiating,station passing and returning to EMU depot are sampled to represent its dynamic levels and load frequencies.The load spectrums of the axle spring for two days are presented to obtain the relationship between the load times and the running distance.It is shown that the track excitation has great influence on the dynamic loads and the vibration of the motors and gear boxes has effect on the spring loads too.The maximal dynamic coefficient of the loads is about 0.38 and the maximal loads generally appear on the depot entrance and connects sections.The natural frequencies of the EMUs are 1.1 Hz and 11 Hz which are excited by the track excitation on the straight railway division.The research results can be used to guide the bogie structural design,service life assessment,and related theoretical study.

关 键 词: 高速动车组 轴箱弹簧载荷 动态特性 线路工况 道岔

领  域: [机械工程] [交通运输工程] [交通运输工程]




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