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Interference Effect from English on Chinese EFL Children’s Pinyin

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

出  处: 《中国外语》 2010年第3期42-47,共6页

摘  要: 负迁移是双语学习的常见现象,但外语对母语的负迁移缺乏实证研究。实验一调查学生被试根据读音写出汉语拼音的情况,发现英语学习对汉语拼音的这项任务有一定影响;影响主要集中在英语的六个知识点上。实验二调查被试根据读音判断汉字拼音正误的情况,发现在英语听说训练的基础上增加英语拼读、拼写训练会扩大英语对汉语拼音的影响,该结果与被试是在一年级还是在三年级开始拼读拼写训练没有关系。结果显示负迁移遵循一定的规律。 L2-to-L1 negative transfer merits more empirical research. In Experiment 1, 6 groups of subjects of primary school second graders and fourth graders were asked to write out Pinyin according to pronunciations they heard from a recorder. Testing materials of Pinyin which could be easily mixed up with pronunciations of English were selected. The results show that knowledge of English letter names, phoneme-grapheme correspondence rules and words produced systematic interfemaace with children's Pinyin. In Experiment 2, subjects with different English learning experiences were further tested in a Pinyin correctness judgment task. The results indicate that learning English word spelling further strengtbened that influence found in Experiment 1, no matter whether the training had started in Grade 1 or Grade 3. The data indicates that negative transfer follows some rules.

关 键 词: 双语 负迁移 干扰 汉语拼音

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 鲁守春
作者 汤幼梅
作者 唐小丹
作者 梁源
作者 张倩秋


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学华文学院
机构 中山大学


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏