机构地区: 华南理工大学
出 处: 《广州化工》 1999年第1期6-9,共4页
摘 要: 采用DV—Ⅰ型旋转式粘度计测定了高粘度蔗糖三相系统的流变学特性,以探讨蔗糖三相流态化结晶过程的流交流动行为。结果表明,三相高粘系统的流体仍为牛顿流体;体系的表观粘度随固含率的增加而增加,随气含率的增加而下降。进而分析了蔗糖三相流态化冷却结晶的可行性。 Rheological properties of sucrose suspensions in a three - phase system are meaured by means of DV - I type of rotating cylinder viscometer made in USA. The results indicate that the high viscosity G - L -S system has Newtonian rheological behaviour and the apparent viscosity increases with an increase in solid holdup, but it decreases rapidly with increasing gas holdup. And then the feasibility of the cooling crystallization for sucrose in three-phase fluidized beds is demonstrated.