机构地区: 浙江师范大学
出 处: 《高教发展与评估》 2010年第3期23-31,共9页
摘 要: 表面上,中国大学千姿百态、各有特色,实质上,中国大学"千校一面"的现象十分突出。许多大学所苦心追寻、力求标新立异的特色项目大都存在一定雷同化、口号化、虚泛化和空洞化的倾向。其中,地方大学办学特色缺失的问题尤为严重。建立现代大学制度、提升大学校长的素质和责任意识、完善大学评估机制以及挖掘传统文化的积极元素,是创建中国大学办学特色的保障。 Through the analysis of undergraduate teaching evaluation characteristic program of 100 universities,we find that Chinese universities appear to be individual and characteristic. However,in fact,the convergent phenomenon doesn't change on the whole. Consequently,the characteristic programs which Chinese universities strive to pursue are identical,slogans,virtual and hollow. Among them,local universities are the most serious. Establishing modern university system,improving the quality of president and the sense of responsibility,perfecting evaluation mechanism as well as digging the active elements of traditional culture are the security of building school-running characteristics.