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Microbial Paraffin Inhibition in Daluhu Oilfield

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国石油化工集团公司

出  处: 《油田化学》 2010年第1期12-15,共4页

摘  要: 胜利大芦湖油田原油含蜡多,凝点高,油井井筒结蜡严重。根据油藏特性从胜利采油院微生物中心菌种库筛选出两种芽孢杆菌、一种假单胞菌,均为兼性厌氧菌,将三种菌以不同比例混合得到三个混合菌组F18-C、F18-D、F18-F,可耐盐40g/L,生长pH4~9,生长温度30~90℃,适应含蜡10%~20%或大于20%,含沥青质10%~20%的原油,代谢脂肪酸、醇、二氧化碳。3种菌在隔氧条件下于60~65℃与4口井产出的原油、地层水一起培养7天后,原油降黏率和降凝幅度随油井而异,一般降黏率高于20%,最高超过55%,降凝幅度一般不小于5℃;与两口井原油作用后,菌液表面张力降低38.3%~34.1%;与菌液作用后的一口井的原油,碳数≥20的烷烃质量分数由0.22降至0.178。建立了一套油井微生物防蜡工艺,每隔20天从套管加入混合菌液200kg。2004年9月在5口井,2005年3月在9口井进行微生物防蜡试验均获得成功,2008年于60口井,2009年于98口井推广应用。2008年统计,60口井的洗井周期平均由32天延长至149天。含蜡量低(<10%)而含胶质沥青质高(>25%)的3口井,微生物防蜡效果差。 In Daluhu oil field the crude oil was of high wax content and high pour point and hence serious waxing problems were encountered in bore holes of production wells. Two strains Bacillus spp and one strain Pseudomanas sp,being facultative anaerobic,were selected with the reservoir characteristics taken into consideration from bacterial strain preservation bank of Microbial Research Center,Shengli Oil Production Technology Research Institute. The three bacteria in different ratio comprised three mixed bacterial compositions(MBC) F18-C,F18-D,and F18-F,which were tolerant to NaCl up to 40 g/L and could grow at temperature 30—90℃ and pH 4—9 on crude oils of wax content 10%—20% or〉 20% and asphaltene content 10%—20% to give fatty acids and alcohols and CO2 as metabolites. As a result of cultivation of these MBC on the crude oils in the formation waters from 4 production wells under anaerobic conditions in 7 days,the percent reduction in crude oil viscosity was 〉20% in all cases and exceeded 55% in the most favorite case and the pour point depression was no less than 5℃; the surface tension lowered by 38.3% or 34.1% for the bacterial culture media on crude oils from 2 production wells and the mass fraction of alkanes of carbon number 〉20 lowered from 0.22 to 0.178 in a crude oil on which the MBC was cultivated. A microbial wax deposition inhibition(MWDI) technology in production wells was established:200 kg MBC bacterial broth to be introduced into a production well through annulus every 20 days. MWDI trials were conducted successfully in 5 wells in Sept 2004 and in 9 wells in March 2005; the MWDI technology in field use was extended to 60 wells in 2008 and to 98 wells in 2009. The statistical data for wells in 2008 and to 98 wells in 2009. The statistical data for 2008 indicated that the interval between two well washing jobs in 60 wells was elongated from 32 to 149 days in average. The MWDI was much less effective in 3 wells of low wax content,〈10%,and high asphaltene,〉25%.

关 键 词: 油井 结蜡 井筒 混合菌 微生物防蜡 处理工艺 微生物原油相互作用 胜利大芦湖油田

领  域: [冶金工程] [石油与天然气工程]




作者 卢镜
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