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Effect of arsenite-reistent bacteria on growth and arsenite adsorption capacity of Pteris vittata L

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 湖南农业大学资源环境学院

出  处: 《环境污染与防治》 2010年第5期43-46,共4页

摘  要: 从湖南某砷污染地区挖取蜈蚣草,在蜈蚣草根系与根系新鲜土中筛选出11组抗砷菌单菌落(依次编号为A、B、C、D…K),并将其接种到蜈蚣草盆栽试验中,研究抗砷菌对蜈蚣草生长以及对砷吸收能力的影响。结果表明,抗砷菌在一定程度上能够刺激蜈蚣草的生长,尤其是根内筛选抗砷菌明显提高了蜈蚣草的生物量。其中,E、G抗砷菌可以增强蜈蚣草对砷的吸收能力,促进砷由蜈蚣草地下部分向地上部分转移。测定接种E、G抗砷菌的蜈蚣草各部位抗逆性指标的含量,得出E、G抗砷菌能减轻蜈蚣草根系质膜的损伤,提高蜈蚣草根系抗砷胁迫的能力。对E抗砷菌进行鉴定,该菌属于半知菌纲,丛梗胞目,丝核菌属(Rhizoctoniasp.),为内生菌根菌,该菌可产生类似赤霉素的活性物质,从而促进植物生长。 11 groups of arsenite-reistent bacteria were isolated from the soil of realgar mine in Shimen, and the obtained bacteria were inoculated to the rhizosphere of Pteris vittata L to investigated the effect of arsenite-reistent bacteria on Pteris vittata L growth and its arsenite absorption capacity; The results showed that the arsenite-reistent bacteria could enhance the growth of Pteris vittata L. The arsenite absorption and enrichment capacity of Pteris vittata L were increased after inoculated with bacteria E and G, at the same time, the two bacteria could decrease the contents of MDA and proline to ease arsenite stress to Pteris vittata L. The bacterium E was identified as endomycorrniza and belongs to deuteromycete, moniliales( Rhizoctonia sp. ). It could stimulates plants growth by secreted active substance such as gibberellin.

关 键 词: 蜈蚣草 抗砷菌 砷污染 土壤修复

领  域: [环境科学与工程]


作者 丁利君


机构 华南农业大学珠江学院
机构 广东财经大学
机构 广东工业大学


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