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Speaking and No-speaking:A Dimension of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Fiction

作  者: ;

机构地区: 深圳大学文学院

出  处: 《学术月刊》 2010年第5期113-120,共8页

摘  要: 小说,也是"说"的一种。晚清政治改革者大力提升小说的地位,从"说"的位置、方式与功能等方面,对史志传统中有关"说话/表达"的分类定级标准进行了重新规划。鲁迅的新小说写作,孕育了小说史的一个新的开端。自此,小说家开始有了反思"说话/表达"本身的自觉,他们"说"的同时,对"说"的位置、方式与功能产生了警觉、质疑甚至挑战,以致其"说"的实践与"不说"的谨慎相互依存与制约。他们质疑"说者/表达者"的位置,反抗既有的与公认的"表达方式",最终向说话/表达的工具——语言本身提出了挑战。这种种对"说话/表达"的困境的自觉与反抗,表现在从鲁迅、废名、沈从文、师陀、萧红、丁玲、张爱玲,到王安忆、莫言、阿城、韩少功等一系列作家的书写中,构成了中国现当代小说的一个重要维度。 Fiction is also a kind of speaking. Political reformers of Late-Qing had made efforts to pro-mote the status of Chinese fictions. They managed to reconstruct the classifying and ranking criterion of ancient China on speaking/representation with regard to the position, style, and function of speak- ing. Lu Xun's new fiction writings opened a new page of Chinese fiction history. From him on, the writers had been conscious of rethink speaking and representation. They were wary of, questioned, and even challenged the position, style, and function of speaking when they speaked by writing fic- tions. As a result, their speaking practice and prudence of no-speaking went side by side in writing. They questioned the position of speakers and representation makers, defied the existed and being accepted representation style, and in the end challenged language, the means of speaking and represen- tation. The efforts by Chinese fiction writers, such as Lu Xun, Fei Ming, Shen Congwen, Shi Tuo, Xiao Hong, Wang Zengqi, Ding Ling, Zhang Ailing, Wang Anyi, Mo Yan, A Cheng, Han Sha- ogong, etc. On defying and strugglling the dilemma of speaking/representation show us an important dimension of modern and contemporary Chinese fictions.

关 键 词: 不说 中国现当代小说

领  域: [文学]


作者 曹清华
作者 段艳红
作者 王艳萍
作者 蓝春新
作者 杨琰


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学管理学院


作者 张坤
作者 徐丽华
作者 曹金蓉
作者 李娟
作者 李晓青