机构地区: 西南大学政治与公共管理学院逻辑与智能研究中心
出 处: 《哲学研究》 2010年第5期67-74,共8页
摘 要: The key problem of philosophy of language is that "how the language-understanding is possible?",and it is the aim that Davidson’s Program deals with.In this essay,we try to elaborate that the semantic externalism,which proposed by Davidson based his critical investigation on social externalism and perceptual externalism,is a necessary condition to make the language-understanding possible.This idea can be demonstrated in two aspects:first,it provides a semantic-ontological basis for objective truth of belief in the communication;second,it makes the skeptic assumption impossible that our belief would be systematic error,thus it offers a new approach to refute skepticism. The key problem of philosophy of language is that 'how the language-understanding is possible?',and it is the aim that Davidson’s Program deals with.In this essay,we try to elaborate that the semantic externalism,which proposed by Davidson based his critical investigation on social externalism and perceptual externalism,is a necessary condition to make the language-understanding possible.This idea can be demonstrated in two aspects:first,it provides a semantic-ontological basis for objective truth of belief in the communication;second,it makes the skeptic assumption impossible that our belief would be systematic error,thus it offers a new approach to refute skepticism.
关 键 词: 语言理解 戴维森 外在论 纲领 语义 言语行为 真值条件 意义理论
领 域: [哲学宗教]