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Aesthetical Intersectionof Traditional Chinese Architecture and Traditional Chinese Drawings

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学建筑学院

出  处: 《艺术百家》 2010年第3期124-129,共6页

摘  要: 中国传统建筑审美重天人合一,致中和、重礼教、敬天地;中国传统绘画审美尚人文精神,重传神、崇气韵、尚雅逸。中国传统建筑和中国传统绘画在长久的交融互用之中,建立了和谐与秩序、题名与定性、隐喻与象征、气韵与意境、布局与五行风水等多样的审美共通性,不仅丰富了建筑艺术的美学内涵和审美属性,而且为不同审美主体在建筑审美活动中感发审美情思,驰骋审美想象提供多样化的条件和契机。 The characteristics of Traditional Chinese architecture lie in the harmony of heaven and human,concerning moderation,feudal ethics and revering the heaven and the earth; while The characteristics of Traditional Chinese drawings are presented in upholding humanism,laying emphases on vividlyness,rhythm and elegance. With the development of traditional Chinese architecture and traditional Chinese drawings,their aesthetical Intersections have been established,such as order and harmony,inscription and determination,metaphor and symbolization,rhythm and artistic conception,layout and fengshui,etc; which enrich aesthetic properties and contents of architecture,and provide many and varied conditions for people to convey aesthetic emotion and to develop aesthetic imagination.

关 键 词: 艺术美学 审美共通性 中国传统建筑 中国传统绘画 关系

领  域: [艺术]


作者 张春英
作者 张秋英


机构 华南理工大学新闻与传播学院
机构 华南理工大学


作者 张宁
作者 贾华
作者 谭昕
作者 彭朝林
作者 王方良