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Social Learning of Foraging Behavior in Juvenile Chinese Perch,Siniperca chuatsi

作  者: ; ; ; (朱思华); (曾可为); (夏儒龙);

机构地区: 中国科学院水生生物研究所

出  处: 《四川动物》 2010年第3期415-418,共4页

摘  要: 社会学习是动物快速获得新行为的有效途径。本研究对鳜稚鱼摄食行为的社会学习进行了检验和分析。将500尾未驯化鱼平均分配到实验组和对照组中,并在实验组中另外加入50尾已驯化鱼作为示范鱼。采用分批投饵方法群体驯化两组实验鱼摄食死饵料鱼,测量两组实验鱼摄食每批死饵料鱼的群体袭击反应时间和群体袭击持续时间。结果显示,实验组的群体袭击反应时间比对照组的稳定;实验组的群体袭击持续时间比对照组的短,且在第1次、5次、6次训练时存在显著差异。由此分析鳜稚鱼具有社会学习能力,示范鱼可能通过局域增强和反应易化社会学习过程,分别促进未驯化鱼游到水面摄食和直接袭击死饵料鱼。社会学习驯食方法能够提高群体驯食方法的驯化效率。 Social learning is an efficient way for group living animals to acquire novel behaviors from more experienced individuals. Juvenile Chinese perch,Siniperca chuatsi,can be trained in a group to accept manually cast dead fish preys. Strike behavior of naives was hypothesized as being improved by following or observing demonstrators that were striking at dead fish directly. 500 naives were assigned equally to an experimental group and a control group,and an additional 50 pre-trained demonstrators were introduced into the experimental group. Naives of the two groups were trained to feed on dead fish for 6 trials with the group training method. In a training trial,they were provided 8~16 bouts of dead fish successively. In a feeding bout,approximate 50 subjects in the feeding shoal struck at dead fish preys successfully. So after 6 feeding bouts,almost every subject in the group had fed once. Group strike latency and group strike duration of the earlier 6 feeding bouts were measured. Though there was no significant difference between the two groups in mean group strike latency of the 6 trials,mean group strike latency of the experimental group was more stable than that of the control group over 6 trials. Mean group strike duration of both groups declined over trials in a similar fluctuating manner,however,the mean group strike duration of the experimental group was shorter than that of the control group,and the difference between the two groups was significant at the 1st ,5thand 6th trials. Furthermore,mean group strike duration of the experimental group had been reduced to the shortest and became stable at the 5th trial,while that of the control group was still long and unstable at the 6th trial. The results suggested that naives were attracted to the water's surface and facilitated to strike at dead fish preys by demonstrators. We proposed that feeding at the water's surface was learned through classical conditioning and aided by local enhancement social learning process,while striking at dead fish directly af

关 键 词: 摄食行为 社会学习 局域增强 反应易化

领  域: [生物学] [生物学]


作者 陆燕冰
作者 张麟


机构 中山大学岭南学院
机构 香港中文大学
机构 广东培正学院会计学系
机构 中山大学管理学院
机构 华南师范大学


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