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The use of the Baojia System of the Japanese Puppet Regime by the CPC in eastern Hebei Province during the Anti-Japanese War

作  者: ;

机构地区: 澳门理工学院

出  处: 《安徽史学》 2010年第3期39-46,共8页

摘  要: 20世纪90年代以来,史学界对我国近现代保甲制度的研究取得了较大进展,但基本不涉及中共对保甲制度的利用。文章对抗战时期中共从八路军与日军力量悬殊的冀东特殊环境的实际出发,采取利用日伪保甲来为抗日斗争服务的策略进行了研究。分析了冀东共产党反对"左"的倾向,在保甲体系内添加"办事员",使其隐蔽在内主宰或代替保甲行政人员的行为;总结了冀东共产党利用保甲制度的"合法"身份,保护抗日力量和支持抗日战争等方面的成效;认为冀东共产党利用保甲的过程,体现出对战时农村基层行政模式和对敌斗争方式的创新,为夺取冀东抗战的胜利作出了贡献。 Facing a huge disparity in strength between the Japanese army and the Eighth Route Army during the Anti - Japanese War, the CPC in eastern Hebei Province manipulated the Baojia System of the Japanese Puppet Regime to fight against the Japanese. Investigating this tactic, the present paper analyzes the CPC' s strategy of placing secret agents ( "ban shi yuan" ) in the Baojia System to sway its operation and the process this strategy was executed by the CPC working against the tendency to the "left" in eastern Hebei Province. The paper reviews the outcomes of utilizing the "legal" identity brought by this strategy on protecting the anti - Japanese force and supporting the Anti - Japanese War. The author argues that the CPC ' s manipulation of the Baojia System in eastern Hehei Province represents an innovation in the military tacties and the wartime administration models adopted at the lower social strata in rural areas, making a significant contribution to the victory gained in eastern Hebei Province.

关 键 词: 抗战时期 冀东共产党 日伪保甲制度

领  域: [历史地理] [历史地理]


作者 夏蓉
作者 夏蓉
作者 沙东迅
作者 张广厦
作者 苏丽


机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学文学院历史学系
机构 华南师范大学历史文化学院


作者 徐佳宁
作者 曾彧
作者 杨卫华
作者 欧阳娟
作者 武小平