机构地区: 贵州大学化学与化工学院贵州省发酵工程与生物制药重点实验室
出 处: 《贵州农业科学》 2010年第4期35-38,共4页
摘 要: 牧草在农牧业生产中占有十分重要的地位,将转基因生物源农药引入牧草的研究越来越多。从3个方面综述了转基因牧草在农药学领域中的应用研究进展,第一,通过基因工程手段改良牧草品种,从而提高牧草的抗病性、抗虫害以及耐除草剂性能;第二,将有关药用蛋白的基因导入牧草中,得到转基因药用牧草,如免疫牧草、治疗牧草、诊断牧草等,在此基础上,更进一步研制出成熟的牧草反应器;第三,牧草品种多,其基因资源十分丰富,从牧草中发掘优良基因资源,用于其他作物的转基因研究,也正在成为广大学者研究的热点之一。 Forage plays an important role in agricultural and livestock production. Research about transgenic forage varieties with biogenic pesticide has being paid more attention to by researchers. The paper reviewed application research progress of transgenic forage in pesticide sphere by introducing that the pest resistance and tolerance to weed killer of forage varieties could be improved by genetic engineering, transgenic medical forage varieties such as immune forage, therapeutic forage and diagnostic forage could be bred by introducing medical protein gene into forage varieties, and abundant gene resources in forage varieties could be used in transgenic engineering of other crops.
关 键 词: 牧草 转基因牧草 免疫牧草 治疗牧草 生物源农药
领 域: [农业科学]