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A Survey of Happiness Index of Huizhou Citizen

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中共惠州市委党校

出  处: 《惠州学院学报》 2010年第2期18-24,共7页

摘  要: "幸福指数"已经成为落实科学发展观过程中被频繁提及的话题。惠州在落实《纲要》和创建"惠民之州"的进程中,也将以提升市民幸福指数为目标。基于对惠州市民幸福指数的总体情况以及差异性的考察,同时对惠州市民职业幸福指数、生活幸福指数和社会幸福指数等进行分析,厘清影响市民幸福感的主要因素,提出通过发展经济增强综合实力、大力改善民生,实现全面共享、发展民主政治、加大文化投入、打造城市文化品牌和引导健康社会心理等措施,以全面提升惠州市民的幸福指数。 "Happiness index" have been mentioned more frequently in implementing the Scientific Development Outlook.Huizhou,in the process of implementing the "Outline" and creating "Harmonious City",will enhance public "happiness index" as its objective.This paper,based on the study of Huizhou people's overall "happiness index" as well as differences,analyzes the "professional happiness index","life happiness index" and "social happiness index",clarifies the main factors affecting people's sense of happiness.Then,we propose the following measures to upgrade Huizhou people's "happiness index":enhancing the comprehensive strength through economy development,improving the livelihood of the people to achieve a comprehensive sharing,developing democratic politics,and increasing the urban culture and cultural investment to build city brands and to guide social and psychological health.

关 键 词: 幸福指数 职业幸福指数 生活幸福指数 社会幸福指数

领  域: [经济管理] [社会学]


作者 杨毅
作者 黄静文
作者 阮雪梅
作者 阮雪梅


机构 中共惠州市委党校


作者 张书军
作者 张建梅
作者 张恩施
作者 彭劲松
作者 徐来