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Ornamental Evaluation of Wild Hedychiums in China Based on Cut-flower Breeding

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 仲恺农业工程学院园艺园林学院广东省热带亚热带花卉与园林植物重点实验室

出  处: 《北方园艺》 2010年第9期90-93,共4页

摘  要: 采用野外考察的方法,以传统的切花品种白姜花和综合性状优良、在国外广泛应用的切花品种金姜花为参照,对收集到的25个野生种、变种、变型进行了以切花为应用目的、以观赏价值评价为主的育种资源评价。评价方法采用加权评分法,各性状指标以9分制赋分,性状指标的权重采用层次分析法确定,最后计算出各分类群的总分并排序。结果表明:评价结果与感官评价一致,筛选出综合观赏价值较高的5个野生种,明确了各分类群在各性状上的优势和需要改良的性状,可作为育种亲本形态学选择的参考依据,亦为姜花属切花花卉的育种奠定了基础。 For breeding new cut-flower varieties by crossing with wild species, the ornamental values of 27 wild Hedychium taxa and one cultivated species with one varieties used as cut-flowers were analysis by the means of field investigation in the late three years. Values were assigned to the ornamental characters of 29 taxa by 9-point system. Then weightiness of the ornamental characters were determined by the analytic hierarchy process(AHP). At last, ornamental value sort order of 29 taxa with detail values of character suitable for the morphology cooperation of parents was given and five species with top cut-flower comprehensive ornamental values were selected out. The evaluation by this method was consistent to the evaluation by organoleptic analysis.

关 键 词: 姜花属 野生种 切花 观赏价值评价

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]




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