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The Effect of Seed Soaking and Flooding on Seedling Quality of Direct-seeding Rice at the Bud Stage under Artifical Low Temperature

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 华南农业大学农学院

出  处: 《华北农学报》 2010年第2期224-228,共5页

摘  要: 解决苗期低温危害是在长江流域早季推广水稻机械化直播技术的关键技术问题。本试验以湘早籼24号(常规稻)和株两优2号(杂交稻)为材料,研究了浸种剂和灌溉对直播稻一叶一心期低温抗性的影响。结果表明:浸种剂处理后,湘早籼24号和株两优2号的成苗率分别比对照提高了36.61%和33.57%,显著降低了水稻幼苗的株高,增大了叶龄和单位苗高干质量,降低了水稻叶片的质膜透性和MDA含量;湿润灌溉较淹水灌溉处理能显著提高两水稻品种的成苗率,分别高出51.24%,19.63%。"齐苗快"浸种结合湿润灌溉有利于构建高成苗率高素质的直播水稻幼苗群体、有效防御苗期低温危害。 Low-temperature hazard is a key problem for direct-seeding rice in the middle and lower reaches of Changjiang River region In this paper, the possible role of seed soaking and flooding in ameliorating rice plants resist- ance to low temperature in a bud with a leaf stage was evaluated in an artificial climate-room,using Xiang-zaoxian24 ( V 1 ) and Zhuliangyou2 ( V2 ). Seed treatments included A 1 (drug-soaked) , A2 ( drug-dressed ) , A3 ( water-soaked ) and flooding treatments,B1 (moist non-flooded),and B2(flooded). The test results showed that under low temperature conditions,the seedling rate increased significantly compared with A3 maintainedas a control,36. 61% and 33.57% for V1 and V2,respectively. All seed soaking treatments resulted in better seedling quality,lower membrane permea- bility,and lower MDA concentration. Considering flooding treatments,a significant increase of seedling rate was found with B1,51.2% and 19.6% for V1 and V2, respectively, compared to B2. Of all the treatments, A1 B1 combination was found to building apopulation with high available seedling rate, good seedling quality and fast growth vigor, and to protecting seedlings from low temperature damages during the seedling stage.

关 键 词: 水稻 直播 低温 浸种剂 灌溉 成苗率 幼苗质量

领  域: [农业科学]


作者 田华彬


机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州铁路职业技术学院


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