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Analyses on the Characteristics of Botanical Species Diversity in Xinjiang

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 石河子大学

出  处: 《石河子大学学报(自然科学版)》 1998年第4期289-303,共15页

摘  要: 新疆土地面积占全国1/6,约164.68万km2,位于欧亚大陆腹地,景观与地形复杂,气候变化明显,植物种质资源特殊。新疆高等植物4081种(包括229亚种、变种与变型),隶属于161科877属,新疆植物多样性的特点如下:1)单种科、单种属及寡种属丰富,分别为80科、374属及315属。2)短命及类短命植物丰富,已知的有232种,隶属于27科114属,主要分布于准噶尔盆地边缘。3)新疆特有种稀少,但中国、塔什库尔干、天山、阿尔泰山、昆仑山及帕米尔高原的特有种特别丰富。4)近50年以来,发表的新疆新分类群较多,有360余种。5)中国仅分布于新疆的植物有1773种,其中100种以上的科有4科(豆科,伞形科,菊科,禾本科),总数为622种;80种以上的科也有4科,总数为331种。最后,对新疆极端环境下的植物种质资源及栽培植物的野生近缘种的保护问题提出了几点建议。 The 1/6 land of China lies in Xinjiang,it is about 1 646 800 km 2,the complex topagraphy and landscape,the obviously changeable climate and the existence in the center of Europe Asia continent result in the great specialty and importance of plant germplasm here There are 4 081 species(including variety and subspecies)of higher plants,involved in 161 families and 877 genera The characteristics of plant diversity in Xinjiang is:1)The monogenus family,monotypic sp and the genus,which is of a few sp ,are abundent,they respectively are 80 F ,374 G and 315 G 2)The ephemeral plants and ephemeroids are rich,the known number is 232 sp ,involved in 27 F ,114 G ,mainly distribute at the margin of Zhungeer basin 3)The endemic species of Xinjiang is Scarce but that of China,Tashkuergan,Tianshan Mountain,Aertai Mountain,Aerjin Mountain,Kunlun Mountain and the Pamirs are abundent 4)There are many new taxons(over 360 sp )found in Xinjiang in the recent 50 years 5)As far as in China is concerned,there are 1 773 sp only distributing in Xinjiang,there are 4 families(Leguminosae,Umbelliferae,Compositae,Gramineae),each of which includes at least 100 sp ,the total sp number is 622;and there are still 4 families,each of which includes at least 80 sp ,the total sp number is 331 At last,the authors proposed some suggestions about the wild relatives of cultivated plants and conservation of sp diversity

关 键 词: 物种多样性 新疆 植物物种 植物资源

领  域: [生物学]




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