机构地区: 广西大学
出 处: 《纸和造纸》 2010年第4期12-14,共3页
摘 要: 对5种光敏剂用于硫酸盐蔗渣浆漂白进行研究,发现在同一条件下,曙红和玫瑰红光催化漂白硫酸盐蔗渣浆效果较好,在漂白过程中共轭羰基(-C=O)发生了较多断裂。EO进行光催化漂白较加AO、LF、RB和MB4种光敏剂有利于紫丁香基型木素的降解。并且在加各种光敏剂进行光催化漂白过程中,纤维素主链的特征吸收峰都发生了一定程度的下降,而加曙红、玫瑰红和亚甲蓝时吸收峰下降较大。 The effect of five photosensitive agents on photocatalytic bleaching bagasse kraft pulp was studied, the most effective photosensitive agents EO and RB were selected, and the carbonyl groups conjugate with -C=O fracture occurred more. During the bleaching process, the characteristic absorption peaks of cellulose main chain declined in a certain degree, and the decrease was large when the photosensitive agents EO, RB and MB was used.
领 域: [轻工技术与工程]