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Research Progress on Flavivirus Susceptibility in Aedes aegypti

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院病原生物学系

出  处: 《寄生虫与医学昆虫学报》 2010年第1期47-54,共8页

摘  要: 埃及伊蚊Aedesaegypti是黄热病(Yellowfever,YF)和登革热的主要传播媒介,分布于世界各地。我们就埃及伊蚊种群遗传、媒介感受态的生理遗传、蚊与黄病毒相结合的受体、环境因素对虫媒病毒传播的影响、埃及伊蚊对黄病毒媒介感受态变化、绘制控制埃及伊蚊对黄病毒媒介感受态的基因图、埃及伊蚊媒介感受态遗传、鉴定控制埃及伊蚊媒介感受态的基因等方面的研究,做出综述。以加强下列关键问题:Aedesaegypti种群当中媒介感受态多少变化归因于遗传效应,环境因子引起变化如何。在这些遗传位点等位碱基,如何决定感受态?如何探索遗传和环境成分影响自然种群内媒介感受态。 Aedes aegypti is the primary vector of yellow fever (YF) and dengue fever (DF) flaviviruses worldwide. In this paper, we review as follows : population genetics of Aedes aegypti, physiologic genetics of vector competence in Ae. aegypti, environmental factors also control arbovirus transmission, variation for flavivirus vector competence in Ae. aegypti, quantitative genetics of vector competence mapping genes that control flavivirus vector competence in Ae. aegypti, genetics of vector competence in Ae. aegypti, identification of genes controlling vector competence in Ae. aegypti. We describe current research on how genetic and environmental factors jointly affect distribution of vector competence in natural populations. In this review we will focus on past and present research on vector components of transmission and will address the following critical questions: How much variation in vector competence among Ae. Aegypti populations is attributable to genetic effects and how much to environmental causes? How many genes affect vector competence for flaviviruses in Ae. Aegypti? How do alleles at these genetic loci interact to determine vector competence? How does knowledge of genetic and environmental components affect distribution of vector competence in natural populations?

关 键 词: 埃及伊蚊 黄病毒属 易感染性 种群遗传

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]


作者 乔佳佳
作者 吴小文
作者 田一甲


机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院心理应用研究中心


作者 李振义
作者 吴晨
作者 张琳
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