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Practice and Patterns of Low Carbon City Development

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 清华大学环境学院

出  处: 《中国人口·资源与环境》 2010年第4期17-22,共6页

摘  要: 气候变化问题是本世纪人类面临的最严峻的挑战之一,发展低碳经济为应对气候变化提供了新的机遇。低碳城市是低碳经济的主要组成部分,国内已有许多城市提出建设低碳城市的构想并进行了一些尝试,然而发展低碳城市的高度热情背后,存在着一定的盲目性和无序性,城市需要依据自身发展特征选择适宜的低碳发展模式。本文在对国际低碳城市发展实践和国内城市的相关探索进行综述的基础上,总结出现有低碳城市实践所遵循的四种发展模式,包括综合型"低碳社会"目标模式和低碳产业拉动、"低碳支撑产业"、示范型"以点带面"三种过渡模式。中国需要探索一条工业化进程中的低碳转型路径。低碳城市的建设需本着发展优先的原则,重点关注经济结构的调整,并在结构调整过程中探索新的经济增长点。现阶段城市可以通过建设低碳示范区摸索转型经验。低碳产业拉动和"低碳支撑产业"模式的选择则需要因地制宜。而无论采用何种过渡模式,城市都应注重低碳理念在全社会的渗透,以长远的战略眼光辅以合理的城市规划向综合型"低碳社会"的目标迈进。 Climate change is one of the most serious challenges of human beings in this century, and developing low carbon economy provides new opportunities for addressing climate change. As a major component of a low carbon economy, low carbon city development has aroused a high degree of enthusiasm in China, whilst it have blindness and disorder; thus cities need to explore appropriate development patterns in accordance with their features. Based on a review on international and domestic practice of low carbon city construction, this article concludes four kinds of development patterns in practice of low carbon cities, including synthesized "low carbon society" as a target model, and three transitional patterns: low-carbon industry as driving force, "low-carbon supporting industry" , and" point to surface"as the model. China needs to explore a low caibon transition path in the process of industrialization, and the construction of low-carbon city should focus on economic structural adjustment in line with the principle of development in priority and explore new economic growth points. A low carbon demonstration area could help city to get experience no matler what, while low carbon industry as driving force and low-carbon to supporting industry patterns should be choosen according to local conditions. However, transitional patterns are adopted, cities should focus on the spreading of low carbon ideas and accomplish the target of a low carbon society with a long-term strategic vision and a reasonable comprehensive urban planning.

关 键 词: 低碳城市 低碳社会 低碳产业 低碳支撑产业 发展模式

领  域: [石油与天然气工程]


作者 曾云敏
作者 唐俊
作者 黄晓慧
作者 王明刚
作者 曹雪莲


机构 华南理工大学
机构 深圳信息职业技术学院
机构 中山火炬职业技术学院
机构 北京理工大学珠海学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 卢镜
作者 庄学敏
作者 严玉清
作者 马波
作者 叶飞