机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学法学院
出 处: 《湖北警官学院学报》 2010年第2期5-9,共5页
摘 要: 部门行政职权相对集中行使有助于克服职能交叉、权限冲突、多头执法、管理低效等问题,但相对集中的行政职权有被滥用的危险,甚至会产生新的"部门专权",因此,部门行政职权相对集中行使要受行政法治原则的约束,遵循相应的设定规则、程序规则和监控规则,这是从法律上规制部门行政职权相对集中行使、保障其合法性和有效性的重要举措。 Centrally exercising administrative functions of departments contributes to overcoming the problems including overlapping functions,authority conflicts,superposition in administration of law,regulatory inefficiency.However,it also has the risk of being abused,even generating a new "department autocracy".Therefore,it should be restrained by doctrine of the rule of administrative law,follow corresponding establishment rules,procedure rules and monitoring rules.These are important measures of legal regulation for it,and protection for its legitimacy and effectiveness.