机构地区: 中山大学岭南学院
出 处: 《保险研究》 2010年第3期63-71,共9页
摘 要: 本文利用广东省云浮市社会医疗保险参保人2004~2007年的面板数据,运用效用和弹性两大经济学分析工具,就社会医疗保险政策对参保人医疗服务需求的影响进行了研究。研究表明,随着参加社会医疗保险时间的增加,参保人医疗服务需求的价格弹性和收入弹性均表现出显著的上升趋势,而且价格弹性绝对值远大于收入弹性值,价格因素对参保人的医疗服务需求具有更为重要的影响。同时,本文还证明,社会医疗保险可以通过改变参保人医疗费用自付比例来影响参保人的医疗服务需求,过低的自付比例不仅将刺激参保人的医疗服务需求,也将诱发参保群体医疗费用的上涨。 Based on the 2004-2007-panel data of participants to the social health insurance in Yunfu City of Guangdong Province, this paper made a quantitative study of the effects of social health insurance policy on the par- ticipants' demands for medical services by applying the two basic economics analytical tools of utility and elasticity. The results showed that,as the length of time for implementing social health insurance increased, the participant's price elasticity and income elasticity of demands both exhibited a rising curve, and the absolute value of price elas- ticity was much greater than that of income elasticity. It indicated that the price factor had a relatively more impor- tant effect on the participant's demands for medical services. At the same time ,this paper also demonstrated that the participant's demand for medical services could be changed by changing the proportion of out-of-pocket expenses of the social health insurance plan, and the unduly low proportion of out-of-pocket expenses would stimulate demands for medical services, and even led to medical costs escalation.
关 键 词: 社会医疗保险 医疗服务需求 面板数据 效用 弹性
领 域: [经济管理]