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An Analysis of Urban Social Space Based on ESDA——A Case Study of the Central Urban District in Shanghai

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 东南大学人文学院旅游学系

出  处: 《地理科学》 2010年第1期22-29,共8页

摘  要: 以上海市中心城区为实证,在因子分析的基础上将ESDA方法应用于城市社会空间研究。运用全局Mo-ran’sI指数、Moran散点图、LISA等指标和方法,从全局和局部两个层面研究了城市社会空间主因子的空间关联特征。结果表明,各主因子都存在显著的空间正相关,呈现趋同集聚,其中社会经济地位因子和居住条件因子的相关性明显强于其他因子,相近社会经济地位和居住条件的社会群体在空间上的集聚对形成城市社会空间的作用更为显著;各主因子都存在不同于全局的局部空间关联模式,存在显著的"热点"和"冷点"地区,其中社会经济地位因子和居住条件因子呈现出更为明显的"热点"和"冷点",具有显著的"同质集聚、异质隔离"特征。相关研究结论对于理解城市社会空间的形成具有重要意义,也可为进一步深入研究的典型案例选择及相关政策制定提供参考。 Spatial association is the essential characteristics of spatial related things and phenomena.Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA) provides an effective method to reveal the spatial association.The formation of urban social space and its characteristics make the phenomenon of urban social spatial pattern also show significant spatial association.Based on factor analysis,the ESDA methods were applied to urban social space research with the Central Urban District in Shanghai as a case study.From the global and local dimensions,spatial association characteristic of the main factors of urban social space were revealed,by using the indicators and methods of Global Moran's I index,Moran scatter plot and LISA(Local Indicators of Spatial Association).Global spatial autocorrelation analysis showed that the main factors of urban social space were all with significant spatial association,but there were differences in the degree of spatial association.The factors of socio-economic status and living conditions had stronger spatial association than other factors.Spatial agglomerations of similar socio-economic status and living conditions groups had more prominent contributions to the formation of urban social space.Local spatial autocorrelation analysis demonstrated that the main factors had different local spatial association from the overall pattern,there are obvious "hot spots" and "cold spots",and also some spatial "outliers".The socio-economic status and the residential condition factors show more obvious "hot spots" and "cold spots ",which manifested the characteristics of significant "homogeneous agglomeration,heterogeneous segregation ".

关 键 词: 空间关联 社会空间 上海市

领  域: [历史地理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 薛文静
作者 高慧英
作者 龚建华
作者 张应祥
作者 肖全良


机构 中山大学
机构 广州大学
机构 东莞理工学院城市学院
机构 中山大学旅游学院
机构 华南师范大学


作者 武岩
作者 李琴
作者 肖晓东
作者 邱江
作者 韩亚林