机构地区: 中山大学旅游学院
出 处: 《亚热带资源与环境学报》 2010年第1期88-95,共8页
摘 要: 教育性是西方生态旅游的主要目标之一,解说系统是实现其目标的手段.针对中国生态旅游发展出现的问题,有较多研究提出要用科学的发展观来指导生态旅游的发展,为此所有的生态旅游目的地都将解说系统作为规划和建设的内容,但是有效性较低.本研究通过解说系统本土化研究,将生态旅游与中国传统审美观念结合起来,从旅游者审美角度入手,提出如何提高中国生态旅游科学性的方法. As education has been set as one of major goals in ecotourism in the West, tourist interpretation system came to play a basic role in the realization of educational functions. In recent years, as China encountered various problems in the development of ecotourism, the development of tourist interpretation system, almost for all destinations, began to be considered a necessary part in the plan-ning and construction of scenic spots. However, few of these systems have been enough effective. To face the challenge, this paper pointed out that Chinese traditional aesthetic taste should be fully regarded and integrated into the development of tourist interpretation system, which should be more indigenous and at the same time not ignore the richness of tourists taste.