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Identifying the Truth of the Stone Inscriptions Named Junshi and Duofang in Weisanzishijingjilu Written by Sun Haibo

作  者: ;

机构地区: 聊城大学

出  处: 《平顶山学院学报》 2010年第1期104-106,共3页

摘  要: 20世纪20年代,约有数百方三体石经残石先后在洛阳附近出土,由于当时国运多舛,多数残石出土后并没有得到妥善保存,有的甚至流落海外,至今下落不明。所以孙海波《魏三字石经集录》一书中所收部分拓本的真实性曾一度受到质疑。如商承祚先生便曾撰文指称《君奭》、《多方》残石为伪刻。实际上,被商承祚先生斥为伪刻的《君奭》、《多方》残石与其他残石所刻的《尚书》文字相比,结构、用笔、字体风格并无二致,许多字甚至是出于同一人的手笔。因此,被商承祚先生斥为伪刻的《君奭》、《多方》残石其实不伪。 In the 1920s of the last century, several hundred stones were unearthed near the city of Luoyang. Most of them were not properly preserved, and some even living abroad. So the authenticity of some stone inscriptions in Weisanzishijingjilu once was questioned. For example, Mr Shang Chengzuo once said that Junshi and Duofang were false inscriptions. In fact, they are true inscriptions. Compared with other stone inscriptions in Weisanzishijingjilu, there is no difference in structure and font style. Many words even came out of the same person' s handwriting. So the stone inscriptions named Junshi and Duofang which were denounced as false ones by Shang Chengzuo are not false inscriptions.

关 键 词: 三体石经 君奭 多方 残石 非伪刻

领  域: [语言文字]



机构 广州大学人文学院
机构 暨南大学文学院中国文化史籍研究所


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