机构地区: 广州医学院护理学院
出 处: 《西北医学教育》 2010年第2期240-241,279,共3页
摘 要: 探索高职护理专业教学的课程设置及教学方法,其宗旨在于提升学生的护士核心能力。护生核心能力的培养贯穿于学生从学校到临床的每一个环节。环节与环节之间相互依赖、相互支撑,构成环环相扣、密不可分的专业群。 To probe the curricular design and teaching method in higher vocational nursing specialty, the paper focuses on the promotion of students' nurse core competence. Cultivation of nurse core competence should run through each link from the beginning of learning to the clinic. All links depend on each other and support eachother to make up the special professional group of nursing.
领 域: [社会学]