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On Zhou Bangyan's Life Experiences at Luzhou

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学中国语言文化学院

出  处: 《兰州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第2期16-25,共10页

摘  要: 北宋庐州教授之职始设于元祐元年十月。周邦彦何时出任该职、出任的原因、在任之久暂、离任后行踪等,因史料所载不详,诸家推考存在明显分歧。实际上,周邦彦非北宋首任庐州教授,而应该是在首任庐州教授任满之后才得以继任该职,时间约在元祐四年秋;其出任庐州教授系循资所得,非因党争贬黜;其任庐州教授未满三年,而是中途离任,离任原因可能与新旧党争有关,也可能与当地行政长官相刁难有关;其离任庐州教授后,很可能即西去荆襄。 Luzhou professor post was established in October, 1086. Zhou Bangyan, was not the first to take up the post, but succeeded the office in autumn of 1089 when the first Luzhou professor completed his term. His post might be obtained by money, not by a demotion or official dismissal due to sect conflicts. He didn't finish his term for three years but left his post midway possibly either because of new and old parities conflict or because of troubles with the local officials. After leaving his professor post he probably went west to Jingxiang.

关 键 词: 周邦彦 庐州教授 任职时间 任职原因 离任后行踪

领  域: [文学]


作者 张恺


机构 中共黄埔区委党校


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