机构地区: 中山火炬职业技术学院
出 处: 《现代制造工程》 2010年第3期108-110,135,共4页
摘 要: 舒适性是摩托车的一项重要性能。摩托车乘骑舒适性与摩托车振动有密切关系。参照我国目前评价汽车舒适性的主要指标给出摩托车舒适性的评价指标,根据这一指标研制了摩托车乘骑舒适性测试系统,测试系统主要以手把、座位和脚踏等处的加速度值作为衡量参考。该系统共承担六种不同型号摩托车舒适性的测试任务,在实际应用中取得较好效果,可用于摩托车故障检测与分析。 Comfort, an important element determining motorcycle's performance, is mainly depended by vibration of motorcycle. Provides evaluation indicator of motorcycle's comfort with reference to nation's main indicators and gives out a testing system for rid comfort,which takes acceleration of handgrips, seats, treadles into consideration. The system can test 6 types of motorcycles and achieve good result in practice. The system is also available for fault detection and analysis.