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The Foundation of the Style of Zengxu(presenting preface) in the Tang Dynasty and Quan Deyu

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中国社会科学院文学研究所

出  处: 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2010年第2期59-68,共10页

摘  要: 赠序是唐代新兴的文体,其源流肇自魏晋,从赠诗附序演变为唱和冠序,迄唐代始定型为无诗徒序,其创作的繁盛与当时祖饯燕集之风的盛行密切相关。如果说唱和冠序不外以纪事为动机,那么徒序则更带有自我表达的功能。在赠序的演进历程中,权德舆的写作占有极为醒目的位置。首先,权氏因长期辗转于幕府、台阁,为中朝风雅主持,遂成为第一位大量写作赠序的作家。他的创作表明,赠序写作首先与职务密切相关。其次,权德舆的赠序在话语和文体两方面都显示出对文体功能的自觉和文章结构的成熟,标志着赠序的定型,从唐代散文史的角度考察具有多方面的意义。 Zengxu (presenting preface) was a new style of literature in the Tang dynasty, it was derived from the Weijin dynasties. It was founded and finalized its style that only has preface without poesy in the Tang dynasty, evolvement from the style of presenting poesy enclosed with the preface to Changhe with the preface at the beginning. The popularity of writing tied up with the vogue of Zujian, Yanji. If Changhe with the preface at the beginning was the motivation of memory, the alone preface without poesy was with more function of self-expression. In the course of the practicing of presenting preface, the works of Quan deyu took the most striking place. Firstly Quan floundering around the Mufu, Taige for a long time, he was the master of the Fengya in the literary world, so he became the first writer who wrote a great deal of presenting preface. His creation shows the writing of present preface nearly connected aspects of words and styles, the present preface by Quan deyu and the maturity to the structure of the articles, symbolized the has general-purpose significance from the views of review on the with post and rank, secondly from the two shows the consciousness to the style function finalization of the style of present preface, It history of essays of Tang dynasty.

关 键 词: 权德舆 文体 赠序

领  域: [文学]


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机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南师范大学文学院
机构 华南师范大学


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