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Comments on the Spiritual State Theories on Poetry of Jiao Ran and Si-kong Tu′s

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 江苏大学人文社会科学学院

出  处: 《金陵科技学院学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第4期48-53,共6页

摘  要: 在佛老之学的影响下,禅宗"即心即佛"、"无着无住"的随缘任运的思维方式与"当头棒喝"的"顿悟"意念,以及道教偏重于崇尚自然、梦幻神游、浪漫超脱的思想特征等因素,皆直接影响唐人对诗歌意境理论的探讨,有助于唐代诗歌意境理论的完善与定型。皎然《诗式》以"取境"为中心论诗;司空图《二十四诗品》"思与境偕"、"象外之象,景外之景"和"味外之旨"、"不著一字,尽得风流"的诗学思想与审美观念,正是中国诗学意境论走向成熟的鲜明标志,开启了宋代严羽"以禅喻诗"等诗学思想的不二法门。 Influenced by Buddhism and Taoism, free-thinking and following the natural rules of "Zen" and Taoism heavily affect poets of Tang dynasty by helping scholars go further with the spiritual state contained in poems and shape the spiritual-state theorics of poetry creation in Tang. For instance, Jiao Ran and Si-kong Tu both emphasized the importance of the function and status of spiritual state revealed in the poem, all of which are great signs of the maturity of Chinese poetic theories of spiritual state and are the keys to the understanding of Yan Yu's theory of "Zen" applied in judging poems.

关 键 词: 唐代 皎然 诗式 司空图 二十四诗品 意境理论

领  域: [文学]


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机构 华南师范大学文学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学文学院


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