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Rapid Determination of Ion Cadmium in Water Samples by Nano-titanium Dioxide Preconcentration-Colloidal Gold Immunochromatographic Method

作  者: ; ; ; ; (刘小峰);

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《分析测试学报》 2010年第3期247-251,共5页

摘  要: 研究了纳米TiO2分离富集水样中痕量镉的最佳反应条件,应用自制抗Cd(Ⅱ)-iEDTA(Isothiocya-nobenzyi-EDTA)螯合物的单克隆抗体,建立了快速检测环境水样中重金属镉残留的胶体金免疫层析法。采用纳米钛富集水样中的痕量镉,用洗脱剂将吸附的镉离子洗脱后,再采用胶体金免疫层析法快速判断镉离子浓度,进而分析水样中的重金属镉含量。结果表明,pH 9.0时,Cd可被纳米TiO2定量富集,吸附于纳米TiO2上的镉离子可用0.1 mol/L的EDTA.2Na(乙二胺四乙酸二钠)溶液定量脱附。在优化实验条件下,纳米TiO2对Cd的吸附容量为14.7 mg/g,富集倍数可达50倍。制备了比色法判定结果的胶体金试纸条,并建立了纳米TiO2富集-胶体金试纸条联用检测方法。对实测样品的检测耗时约90 min,该方法对Cd的定量下限可达5μg/L,适用于环境水样的检测。 Based on our previous cadmium complete antigen coupling technology and anti-Cd( Ⅱ ) - iEDTA( Isothiocyanobenzyi -EDTA) monoclonal antibody, the immunocolloidal gold test strip was prepared and used for the detection of Cd ( Ⅱ ) in water samples. To improve the lower limit of quantification, Cd( Ⅱ ) was preconcentrated with nanometer titanium dioxide and eluted with 0. 1 mol/L EDTA · 2Na quantitatively at pH 9.0. Under optimal conditions, the adsorption capacity of nano- TiO2 for Cd( Ⅱ ) was found to be 14.7 mg/g and the maximum preconcentration factor was 50. The lower limit of quantification for Cd was found to be 5 μg/L. The results obtained by the proposed method were in conformity with those obtained by ICP- AES method.

关 键 词: 纳米 胶体金 吸附

领  域: [理学] [理学] [核科学技术]


作者 张宗平
作者 刘晓瑭


机构 华南农业大学
机构 广东警官学院
机构 深圳信息职业技术学院


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