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Research on Porcelains Excavated from Luozhou City Site in Qichun County of Hubei Province

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国科学技术大学人文与社会科学学院科技史与科技考古系

出  处: 《江汉考古》 2010年第1期113-119,共7页

摘  要: 湖北蕲春罗州城址出土的一批隋唐至南宋时期的陶瓷器,是研究当时古罗州城经济状况及文化交流的很好实物资料。本文选取了其中的宋代青白瓷、黑瓷、绿釉陶等器物残片,借助X-荧光光谱、等离子体发射光谱、X-射线衍射等分析方法,对其进行较为系统的分析测试。分析结果表明青白瓷样品中HG1和HG3来自湖北武昌青山窑,HG5来自江西景德镇;黑釉瓷都是江西吉州窑的产品;绿釉陶表面的银釉中含有较多的铅与磷,并且以磷酸铅的物相形式存在。 Porcelains excavated from the city site of Luozhou in Qichun County, Hubei Province, provide important study materials for economic development and cultural interactions of ancient Luozhou City in the time from Sui to Southern Song dynasties. This paper selected systematically sherds of bluish-white porcelains, black porcelains and green glazed potteries for examination with the aid of XRF, ICP-AES and XRD measures. The results indicate that sample HG1 and HG3 of bluish-white porcelains were from Qingshan kiln of Wuchang in Hubei province, while HG5 was from Jingdezhen Kiln of Jiangxi province. All black glazed porcelains were products of Jizhou kiln of Jiangxi province; and the "silvery glaze" on the green glazed pottery contains fairly high content of element Pb and P, which exist as Pb3 (PO4)2.

关 键 词: 青白瓷 黑釉瓷 釉陶 产地分析

领  域: [历史地理] [历史地理]


作者 王艳蓉


机构 中山大学社会学与人类学学院


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