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Removal of Algae and Turbidity from Lake Water by Several Coagulants

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; (林浩添);

机构地区: 暨南大学理工学院环境工程系

出  处: 《中国给水排水》 2010年第5期80-83,共4页

摘  要: 采用聚合氯化铝(PAC)、聚合氯化铝铁(PAFC)、聚合硫酸铁(PFS)、聚合硫酸铝(PAS)和硫酸铝(AS)五种混凝剂对某含藻湖水进行强化混凝除藻、除浊试验研究,考察了混凝剂种类及投量、原水pH、沉降时间等因素对强化混凝效果的影响。结果表明,五种混凝剂的综合除藻、除浊性能排序为:PAC〉PAFC〉PFS〉PAS〉AS;在原水pH值为5~9的范围内,含铁混凝剂PFS和PAFC对pH的适应性较强,且在pH值为5~7的弱酸性条件下,PFS的除藻、除浊性能最优,当其投量为4mg/L时,除藻率近80%,除浊率可达80%以上;而在pH值为7~9的弱碱性条件下,PAC则表现出更好的除藻、除浊效果,当其投量为4mg/L时,除藻率和除浊率可分别达到83%和90%;AS对pH的适应性最差,其除藻、除浊效果最差;另外,五种混凝剂的除藻率、除浊率均随沉降时间的延长而增大,最佳沉降时间为20min。 The enhanced coagulation tests for removing algae and turbidity from water in a lake were performed using PAC, PAFC, PFS, PAS and AS respectively. The influences of coagulant type and dosage, pH of raw water and sedimentation time on the enhanced coagulation efficiency were investiga- ted. The results show that the performance order of these coagulants for algae and turbidity removal is: PAC 〉 PAFC 〉 PFS 〉 PAS 〉 AS. When the pH ranges from 5 to 9, the iron-containing coagulants such as PFS and PAFC have a stronger adaptability. When the pH ranges from 5 to 7, PFS has the best effect, and the removal rates of algae and turbidity are about 80% and above when the dosage is 4 mg/L. When the pH ranges from 7 to 9, PAC has the best effect, and the removal rates of algae and turbidity are 83% and 90% respectively when the dosage is 4 mg/L. AS has the poorest adaptability to pH change and the lowest removal efficiency of algae and turbidity. The removal rates of algae and turbidity by the five coagulants all increase with the prolonging of sedimentation time, and the optimal sedimentation time is 20 min.

关 键 词: 混凝剂 强化混凝 除藻 除浊

领  域: [建筑科学]




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