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作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学增城学院旅游管理系

出  处: 《人文地理》 2010年第1期35-38,共4页

摘  要: 在珠三角地区,外来民工因数量庞大而逐渐成为相对独立的社会群体。作为迁移者,外来民工异地打工的同时,自身原有的文化基因会与迁入地的文化产生交融和碰撞,这种文化冲融伴随着外来民工城市适应的全过程。笔者首先通过走访,明晰外来民工对岭南文化的基本感知点:生活商业化、观念开放化、人情淡漠化和行事务实化,进而以此构筑外来民工基于经济、社会、文化的城市适应研究视点,采用问卷对外来民工的岭南文化认知和适应范式进行调研,剖析外来民工群基于城市适应的岭南文化融入特征。 For a long time, urban integration of the rural migrant is a hot topic in urban studies. In recent years, many scholars in this field have paid much attention to the cultural adaptation of the rural migrant, but these studies have not extended further to the process of the cultural adaptation, such as Lingnan cultural adapta- tion. Scholars believe that three adaptations are included in the urban integration of the rural migrant. They are economic, social and cultural adaptation. That is, based on the living conditions and occupational status, the rural migrant first get used to city life to expand exchanges with the local people,and then live and act on the same principles. However, the rural migrant are excluded from the mainstream of urban life by the house- hold register system, because they have to face a lot of city adaptation and cultural integration difficulties. I- dentity of different groups determines the communication with the local community, the different cultural adaptation and adjustment mechanism. There is no doubt that the rural migrant will be impressed by different cultural factors while contacting with different cultures. Owing to the abstract nature, it is difficult to define Lingnan culture. Therefore a survey finds out four main points of cultural view of the rural migrant, which are life commercialization, openness, practical act and lack of human feeling. Starting with these four perception points, our research perspective based on the economic, social and cultural adaptation of non-local workers has been build up. The adaptation to the local life, the association with local residents and the impression of the Lingnan culture identity are our three main survey dimensions. A questionnaire survey also has been adopted to evaluate the Lingnan culture cognition and to analyze the adaptation paradigm. Finally, the con- clusions have been found out as follows: 1 )Economic, social and cultural adaptation of the rural migrant take on different characteristic. 2)Rural migrants show flexible

关 键 词: 外来民工 岭南文化 文化融入

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 黄晓娜
作者 赵善德
作者 王春光
作者 李海燕
作者 徐继林


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广州大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东岭南职业技术学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟