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Disease Resistance Evaluation of Curcurbitaceae Seedlings to Phytophthora capsici

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 华南农业大学园艺学院

出  处: 《中国蔬菜》 2010年第4期75-77,共3页

摘  要: 以10种瓜类蔬菜幼苗为材料,在其2片真叶展平时,分别以孢子浓度为2×103、2×104、2×105个.mL-1的辣椒疫霉菌游动孢子悬浮液进行了人工灌根接种和苗期抗病性鉴定。结果表明,不同瓜类蔬菜品种幼苗对辣椒疫霉菌的抗病性表现完全不同,其中早熟1号肉丝瓜和新秀丝瓜幼苗未感染辣椒疫霉菌;其余9种瓜类蔬菜幼苗随着接种辣椒疫霉菌游动孢子浓度的提高而抗病性降低,在接种辣椒疫霉菌游动孢子浓度为2×104个.mL-1时,蜜本南瓜和新广优节瓜幼苗抗病性较强,早优苦瓜和碧峰黄瓜中度抗病,特大新红宝西瓜、秀美青筋白瓜、银辉薄皮甜瓜、台优蒲瓜和晶莹1号西葫芦高度感病。 The diseases resistances of 10 gourd seedlings to Phytophthora capsici were identified by artificially inoculating zoospore of P.capsici with different concentrations(2×103 spore·mL-1,2×104 spore·mL-1,2×105 spore·mL-1).The results indicated that the different gourd seedlings showed different resistance exhibition to P.capsici.Except for‘Zaoshu No.1’sponge gourd and‘Xinxiu’angular sponge gourd showed immunity to P.capsici,other nine species’ resistance decreased remarkably along with the increase of inoculating concentration.After inoculating zoospore with 2×104 spore·mL-1 concentration,‘Miben’pumpkin and‘Xinguangyou’chieh-qua showed strong disease resistance;‘Zaoyou’bitter gourd and‘Bifeng’cucumber had moderate resistance;‘Tedaxinhongbao’watermelon,‘Xiumei’green-rid oriental pickling melon,‘Yinhui’melon,‘Taiyou’clavated calabash,‘Jingying No.1’summer squash were highly susceptible.

关 键 词: 瓜类蔬菜 幼苗 辣椒疫霉菌 抗病性

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]




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