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Briefly on City Life Stories in "Xi Diao"

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东海洋大学文学院

出  处: 《学术交流》 2010年第1期168-170,共3页

摘  要: 清代前期京畿一带与全国局部地区广泛流传的"西调"里,市井生活题材重在反映饮宴游园的城镇生活与热闹喧嚣的风俗节令,附及幽美恬淡的城郊乡野描写,反映民生疾苦几近缺憾。这类"西调"的题材状况与当时城镇社会轻薄骄矜、浮华腐化、追欢逐乐、歌舞升平的实际生活大致相符,说明了"西调"应当是文人墨客、官僚士绅、职业优伶"遣兴寄情"、"诗酒应酬"、"流连风月"、"逢场作戏"的杰作。 In the early Qing Dynasty, "Xi Diao" as a kind of drama was widespread in Beijing and its environs. City life reflected in the form of drama laid stress on banquet occasions and garden tours, such kinds of boisterous custom and festivals, as well as a quiet and peaceful suburb life, whereas was less Concerned about the sufferings of people. These stories in "Xi Diao" broadly mirrored corrupted, cheerful and luxury life of that time, and they were proved as great works of scholars, officials and actors when they expressed feelings, had dinner parties, obsessed with desires and went along for the fide.

关 键 词: 西调 市井题材 作者 歌者

领  域: [文学]




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