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Historical Invasion, Expansion Process and Harm Investigation of Pomacea canaliculate in China

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国水产科学研究院珠江水产研究所

出  处: 《中国农学通报》 2010年第5期245-250,共6页

摘  要: 福寿螺是全球性的入侵水生动物,在许多国家和地区造成了严重的危害。20世纪80年代初传入中国后,迅速扩散至中国南方各省,成为危害水稻及其他水生植物的恶性入侵水生动物。此文采用文献调研的方式,调查了中国福寿螺引种和扩散的历史过程、入侵危害区域和防治现状等内容。调查分析结果显示,引种和水产养殖活动是加速福寿螺在各地入侵和扩散的主要原因。引种养殖期间,对福寿螺引种养殖缺乏有效的科学管理,导致福寿螺在中国南方大部分地区对农作物生产造成危害,对当地生态系统也产生严重影响。显示出中国对外来物种引入及管理的薄弱,以及加强对外来物种监测预警的重要性和紧迫性。 Pomacea canaliculate is a global invasion aquatic animal and caused serious harm in some countries and regions. In the early 1980s Pomacea canaliculated was introduced to China, and then rapidly spread to southern provinces by cultivating. It has become the malignant aquatic animal of harm paddy and the other aquatic plant. In this paper, we investigated the history of Pomacea canaliculate introduction and spread, the invasion region and prevention situation in China based on literature research. The result indicated that the introduction and cultivation in aquaculture industry were the primary reason of invasion and spread of Pomacea canaliculate. Because of lack of scientific manage, Pomaeea canaliculate has caused huge economic loss and destroyed the local ecosystem in most regions of southern China. This shows the weakness to manage the exotic species in our country, and it is very urgent to manage the invasive species.

关 键 词: 福寿螺 入侵历史 扩散规律 危害 调查

领  域: [农业科学]


作者 杨明玉


机构 热带亚热带生态研究所


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