机构地区: 兰州大学生命科学学院干旱农业生态国家重点实验室
出 处: 《兰州大学学报(自然科学版)》 1998年第4期154-156,共3页
摘 要: 生长在半干旱条件下的春小麦,如果其初生根数目较少或者种子根后生木质部的中央大导管的直径较小,就可以提高作物对有限水分吸收的抵抗力,从而提高作物群体的抗旱能力.这是其形态解剖结构对水分胁迫的一种适应.因此,初生根数目及根中木质部中央大导管的直径均可作为抗旱品种选育的参考指标.实验采用快速冷冻切片法对甘肃陇中地区5个春小麦品种的初生根进行形态解剖学分析,以此比较5个春小麦品种的相对抗旱性强弱. When spring wheat is growing under the semi arid condition, the smaller diameter of the main xylem vessel in the seminal axes or the less number of seminal axes can increase the resistance of the root to absorb the limited water in the soil, thus increasing the ability of crop population to resist the water stress. So, each of the two can be used as a kind of index for characterizing the drought resistance. By using the cryostat microtome, the anatomical structures of the seminal root of five spring wheat varieties from Longzhong region, Gansu have been investigated, and their abilities for drought resistance analyzed.
关 键 词: 春小麦 初生根 水分胁迫 抗旱性 形态解剖结构
领 域: [农业科学]